Would you like a Peachy souvinir from Beijing, China ?
You can now go to Plastered 8 on one of the busiest alley ways near the drum tower area of Beijing and take this 100% cotton T-shirt home !
It’s a Chinese mermaid chilling at Bei Hai park, with cats sitting on paper planes, all happening in one of the most iconic royal parks in Beijing famous for its white pagoda on a hill-top.
Here's the link to purchase online !
可爱的美人鱼在北海边吹泡泡 猫咪坐在纸飞机上消磨时光 一场美丽的青花梦。100%纯棉tshirt. 在北京的朋友们可以去南锣鼓巷61号的“创可贴8”小店买到:)
Thanks to Dominic, the director at Plastered 8 for the fun project !